Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I. Am. Craving. For. Msian. Food.

I want currypuffs so badly =( *pouts*

Maybe it's cos I'm hungry right now. >.<
Haih, must tahan. Dinner soon!

So far, school has been quite ok. I haven't got mountains of assignments at the moment, so I guess it isn't too bad, right?

Had Bio and Maths today. Bio wasn't as bad as I expected. I mean, I prefer what we're learning this sem. Environmental Studies. Not specifically about animals or plants. These two just don't agree with me.

Well, I DO like animals. But I don't get why whatever I read about animals or plants in Bio barely stick in my brain.

Oh, and one thing odd is I'm studying Environmental Studies right? And I'm planning to take up Pharmacy next year. I don't see any connection. Do you?

Like, how would the population of this species affect the prescription of medicines? Hmm...
Well, thank God this sem's Bio is looking good. I pray I'd ace it!


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