Sunday, August 1, 2010

First day of a new month

Tried going to bed early (12:00) this morning.
By 1:30 I was still awake. Like, seriously?

I lay in bed, with so many things running through my head.

For instance, I had plans of what I could do after I go back home. Meet up with friends, attend church choir practices again, learn how to drive (Yes. Unfortunately, I still can't drive. It's so sad you won't want to know more. =.=), gobble up Msian food, etc.

Also, I wanna cycle so badly >.< Haven't riden a bicycle in ages. Gonna have to start all over. :D And there are bikes in the hostel. Hmm, my hands and legs are itching to ride a bike again!

But first,
Mission no. 1 = Find out if I can use the bikes at all!

If they're free to use, I MIGHT cycle again. Haha.

Half a day has passed, again, just like that.

Grr. Say hello to a new Monday. Say hello to school.

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