Monday, July 12, 2010

I remember

I remember
you lending me your hand
whenever I needed your help.

I trusted you
to be my friend.

I looked up to you
like a younger sister would.

And then there was that one time.

The moment of truth
that gave away your true colour.

I remember
the day
when your words
sharper than that
of the end of an arrow
pierced right through
this fragile heart of mine.

You left me confused
and drenched in my own tears.

I remember
the time after that
the smile you gave
and acted
like nothing ever happened.

Then I came to realise
that this
is your game
I'm playing in.

The both of us
the players
are nothing
but foolish puppets.

I could've been
the more foolish one
not willing
to accept the truth.

I've tried
washing this painful memory

each time
it hurts even more.

You broke
my heart.

It shattered
into a million pieces.

how I wish
I could toss this away
and move on.

But I can't.

I remember
I do
and always will...

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