Saturday, June 23, 2012

Semester 3

And here we are. The end of the 3rd semester. Nearly halfway through my course. I'd like to think that I studied hard enough. Please, one round of Biochem is good enough already. Fingers crossed.

Now that exams are finally over, nothing seems to interest me anymore. Not even, Facebook. Not now, at least. Gasp!

Except maybe, one thing. Been on a Grey's Anatomy run yay. Meredith snores. My eyes will burn soon if I don't get off this computer soon enough. Seriously. 

At least my headache's gone. Looking forward to a 3-week-headache-free holiday. ^__^ 

Flying back in 4 days. Till then, I should really start planning on what I'm gonna do for the next few days. 

Brb, doing laundry.

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