Sunday, August 22, 2010

Joy and misery

Not eating proper lunch made me lose 2kgs. :D

Well, not to say improper as in unhealthy. :S I simply wasn't that hungry. And I still haven't figured out why I didn't have the appetite to consume anything last week. Either it was the oats that made me full or it was merely stress.

On the slightly darker side of things, I've been having lots to do lately. The usual - assignments and tests. I'm sure this will linger on till the end of this sem. And finally, after I graduate from Foundation, back home is where I'll go!

After my first chem lab session, am I proud to say I haven't broken anything else! *phew

My agenda so far:

1) Chem test
2) Bio oral presentation (and not to mention preparation)
3) English oral presentation (about the course I plan to take + related contemporary issue)
4) AWL (again)
5) English essay (draft)
6) Computing test
7) Computing research assignment
8) Aussie Studies essay
9) English research report

My gosh. Didn't realise I had that many things to do till I typed it down. -____-
Oh, pressure, pressure... Bring it on!

#81 days to go

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