I hate the feeling that I'm being used. Sometimes, it's just that hard to reject. If only I had a lil more of self-centredness to say 'No'.
For Pete's sake, grow up! No, not me. You. But who am I to tell you to grow up? That's right. No one.
So much on my mind right now. With and essay due tomorrow and exams just around the corner, what could me much worse than having countless pimples popping up on your face?
I don't get it. I've been drinking lotsa water and it doesn't seem to work. Grr... why do pimple creams cost so much?
And the Internet hadn't been working well for me yesterday. Pretty fed up with the fact that my life is gradually becoming dependent on it. But how can anyone do anything without the Internet? :'(
But then again, bad Internet connection = more time to study.
Anyway, one tutorial discussion down, 3 more tests, one oral presentation and another Maths assignment and it's THE EXAM time.
Please, God, help me.
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