Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Plain memories

I miss the times when I could sleep early. Long gone are the days when I had nothing but mere homework and occasional tests. Sometimes, I wish I could hit the rewind button. Pictures of my friends and I, chatting happily in class and not giving much crap of what's being taught till exams come still flash right before my eyes at times.

I miss my seat. The people I've met in school. My heavy school bag. And yes, you, who brought great misery to everyone in school.

I realise, I had more spare time back then. Now, the workload is nothing far from a headache. With so many things to do, I just can't decide on which to prioritise. Bad time management, I'd say.

Each time I spend time thinking of which to do first, I either waste time just thinking or, I end up doing a bit of everthing at once, instead of completing one and moving on to the next.

I hope by the end of this course I don't lose my mind. =.=

Speaking of memories, I miss my dog.

Hey there, buddy. You wagging your tail and you jumping about each time you see us are what I miss most about you. I miss patting you too, feeling the comfort of your smooth fur. We all know how much you liked that. :)

Lovely smile you got there.

I wish you never went away.


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